26 January 2009


yesterday, i had kinda unhappy start of the lunar new year.
had a slight arguement with KD, pretty upset about how KD is bein made used of and how KD have not been takin care of oneself. KD have been fallin sick since the start of calendar year. coughin, sneezin, fever, sore throat, all the typical illness. i don't think i would like that at all. was very bothered over it. told KD to see the doctor, but in vain and went through some self-medication which is pretty useless on the account that the sickness did not subside and got worse as each day passed.
well... that's one. KD got so overwhelm, as it is for the past years before knowin mE, with family matters and kept feelin obliged to do things for family. somehow, it came totally without any return and it went on with more and more burden lettin people took it so much for granted. KD didn't complain or grumble, simply KD is a kind and nice and a family person. but as a outside and someone special to KD, somethin is not right. KD is made used of. whatever i said will and always fall on deaf ears. KD will take it that we have different views and all, but how would i allow someone special to mE to be like that?
anyway, happy lunar new year.

PS: mahjong costed mE $50.