felt kinda bliss to be drivin home alone in vv after a noisy and borin night at club.
holdin a cup of milkshake while travellin on the high way at wee hours was kinda serene style of comfortin myself with a dash of self-reflection.
for the past some twenty years, all i could possibly remember are basically good sunny days with love one or havin terrifically memorable fun rainy days. many bad memories have, probably good been swept clean. nonetheless, some significant awful days are still vivid for learnin purpose.
i felt bliss who have someone to love and love mE.
parents who unfailingly supported every single piece of my life.
friends who occasionally appear to spice life up.
event and gatherin which are soup and dessert to complement life.
colleagues who are benign and chip in about lunch-time gossip of fellow colleague.
point to note: never forget to do your hair before you go out.