It is a good week to begin with.
+ Am going for TW trip next week.
+ Had Dinner with KD
+ Received Promotion Letter today WEF 01 August
+ Felt love!
- Had to pay over 1.3k worth of taxes
It is a good week to begin with.
+ Am going for TW trip next week.
+ Had Dinner with KD
+ Received Promotion Letter today WEF 01 August
+ Felt love!
- Had to pay over 1.3k worth of taxes
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i am unwanted once again.
statement you used to make: "let's go home now"
statement you now make: "can i go home yet"
statement you used to make: "are we gonna sleep now"
statement you now make: "i am very tired now"
i remember this comment that you made that i like to tell my friends everythin about us, the nice one and the ugly one. what is the point of drying your dirty linear in the public. now i come back to the same point that you don't talk to mE. all you ask is, 'can i go home now' or 'i am very tired now'. when i make the point that i am very sick and weak and tired last night, i was told to get lost and find your own way home. should i do the same?
i am seriously upset, i cried all over again typin this. there is simply no one i can talk to. sh is not someone i wanna share my relationship issue with. i have been neglected. your xh, ss, saiz could be more important and heard more often than mE.
i really cherish your love and you being with mE until you hurled hurtful words at mE when i did nothin. i cared and scared that you might get into accident, get beaten up by hooligan or too tired slept along the road, i aint worried about anythin else but your safety and well being. all i get is 'i hang out with straight friends'.'
i felt so so so hurt and there is simply no one i can talk to. no one understand how much i have been through at work and back at relationship, i am being neglected and accused that i don't care about you. everythin has stopped and halted for a while for my study and all, except you. my dinner last was terribly short (less than an hour for steamboat), the wedding meetin was terribly short too (less than a quarter), but the whole afternoon i was with you because i love you and really wanna spend time with you, interact with you, talk to you and touch you. throughout the whole week, i only had yesterday afternoon and today evening to spend with you. interaction was low and the bad quarrel started coz you hurled words at mE the third time when i merely tell you that i need to get food. now i didn't take my dinner and i have to take my pills. when i was sick, i had simply no one to attend to, my back ached, i had to bite my teeth and carry on with life, when my legs hurt this evening walkin, i jus carried on walking with you. all i ask of you is to love mE and take better care of mE. but the reply i get is, 'if i care about you, who is goin to care about me'. i kept slient coz i care for you everyday, every moment silently.
right now, i am jus another unwanted offline. ="(
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070511 - watch thor at amk hub
100511 - on MC, last day of graduation and got Regro for hair
110511 - branch cohesion
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