03 January 2008

Prima Deli is BACK!

well... despite of the incident of the poisoning which somehow was quite of a BIG NEWS! it is back, went down this evenin and though the crowd was not as what was before, but somehow business is still fine after all. honestly for mE, i do quite like the price and the cake and the waffle. when it was closed for investigation and inspection and such, i was pretty upset over it. nevertheless, it's BACK. weee...

anyway, for those non newspaper reader:

-tekka market is closing for renovation.
-runnin KILLS!

Army major dies
after 1.2km run
41-year-old walks half the
distance back, collapses
while cooling down in camp

-oil price increase, so food and transportation price should be increasin in due time.
-malaysian health minister was caught havin sex with his mistress for more than an hour by a CCTV and he quitted.

i think that's more than enough of Singapore news.

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