31 August 2008


my mistake. i made a grave mistake. i made a scene, i made a big fuss, i made KD unhappy.
the surprise came not only for KD, but to mE too. i was surprised or in fact shock and my heart beat skipped. i was speechless, was stunned like never before, my limbs numbed, i was in cold sweat and all this happened so suddenly without even a hint. i knew nuts about all, i didn't expect it, it is one thing that i would never ever expect. comin in direct contact was dreadful, was wrong, was undesired, was near death.
i got little, very very very little choice with that sudden appearance, in fact, zero notice. out of impulse i have to, or in fact, i must leave. i must recover myself. i cannot think too much, i must trust KD. "i must trust KD" statement kept goin on and on over the few seconds we things occured, but it is kind of impossible to think otherwise at that point of time on the different rationale of what exactly happened. this is especially so when the trust built was on firm ground, never was there a time that such huge amount of trust that i gave. i called, asked and truth was supposed to be told. however, sometime, most will prefer white lies, be it healthy or not. when truth was found, dire calamity would sometimes be inevitable.
still fault lies in mE, mE for runnin away on impulse, for not clarifyin things, for not think of other scenerio that could possibly be, but i trust KD. i trust KD won't do such things and really KD didn't, luckily.
thank you KD.

btw,Happy Birthday to KD!~ muck

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