04 October 2007

my bad

been my fault and i am doin lotsa harm to my precious KD these days.
puttin KD in a fix, makin KD rush and grounded are so so common these days to the extend the word sorry been very common too. i at times was put at cross junction, unknowing of the paths that lies ahead, all path got it's danger and damage. no path without any damage and danger lyin, felt stressed, helpless, lost and useless. i tried unaccommodatin but this relationship requires a lot more than bah. too much at time that i am unable to provide there and then. somehow it makes mE looks terrible and guilty and wanna do stupid stuff. KD isn't ready bah, i shan't force KD and push KD to any more of the limit. shall take things slowly.
sorry isn't jus a word, it's a heart pain that i suffer from.

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