20 April 2008

go if you want

there have been a string of things that happened for the past few days, these things jus reminds mE of the past, the very sad past, the history that should never even have happen. regrettably, it did, mostly out of foolishness, stupidity or whatever bad things you might cross your mind. furthermore, i am jus dumb, stupid, idiot and all.
the things now were no longer the same, i am 'unlove', unwanted and confuse. confuse why am i still holdin on to when detachin from mE seems good for everyone. no matter how much i love, i long to be, i never thought of lettin go, the fact still remains everythin is jus different now. doin everythin seems to be more of obligation and not anythin else.
i must admit that i am a bad, stupid and selfish person. its about time i did somethin right and stop forcin things to go my way reluctantly. all i wanna say now is go if you want, i got absolutely no rights to stop. i mean it. =)

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