17 March 2009


i jus simply hate it when my hands are tied, i can't do anythin to help.
KD is late for work, very late in fact. i called the cell phone, it went to voicemail. i can't call house as KD claims everyone is asleep and i can't wake KD and everyone up. this time KD is very late and i wanna go all the way to the house and wake KD up or call home to wake KD up. somehow, somethin jus reminded that KD rather to get scoldin from bosses or bad performance than wake the whole family who doesn't really care anythin about KD whether'll KD be late and all.
well... if i am late, my parents or brothers will come and ask mE or wake mE up. i think my parents quite nice de. regardless what, i jus got the feelin that whatever KD does for the family, no one appreciate it and will take it for granted. seein KD late for work, NO ONE in the BIG household will even bother to even ask or wake KD up. sad. i guess i am in no position to talk much. but i am so so so angry at myself and all. when KD text mE, "i am so late", i got so upset and frustrated that why the phone was even off. why KD don't take measures and will make plans fail. i can't vent my frustration anywhere other than my blog. anyway, gOod mOrnin folks.

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