07 January 2011


this is one time that i felt very very very upset and sad.
i am sorry that only when things hit the rocks then i felt it comin.
every new year, some family disaster at my father's side will sadly happened.
this year, my youngest uncle and his wife is preparin for divorce.
last year, my second and third auntie turned against each other terribly and started fightin. relationship turn sour and never got any better since.
year before that, my second uncle got divorced.
year before that, my eldest uncle turned against all siblings and started a series of unhappiness episode with everyone and my grandfather passed away shortly before.
year before that everyone turn against each other because of money matter a year after my grandmother pass away.
i never highly regard my father's side as somethin to look at. they are hardly without moral or worse, brains. a brunch of scum who i thought came from india's slum.
btw my grandfather and grandmother divorced shortly after my brother arrived.
i am worried and hope that my family wont be listed akin to above.

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