12 March 2008

good day

i passed my basic drivin theory test. nothin much to be proud of after all as the test was relatively easy and idiot-proof less those trickster's question that would usually manage to trick a few aunties or so. sigh. but the best of all is that i only start my study two days ago and only flippin through pages. then came today which merely spent two hour in MOS Burger armed with a newly bought ten years series alike theory book and, buried myself in it till the rain get heavily. as much as i realised that i have not been study-smart for the past three while occupyin the current position at work as there is no necessity to, i seems to think school days were cool. anyway, time ticked fast and i am left with no choice but to storm the rain, grab a cab and rush to drivin centre ends up waitin for late-comers. test were automated with touch-screen LCD monitor and self-automated result printin machine, this made mE realised that it's 2008 already. btw, i passed my Basic Theory Test! i don't know what to do next. =P

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