03 July 2007

back from hong kong.

hong kong trip was no doubt cool and fun and excitin and amazin especially you go with someone you feel real comfortable with. nothin to rush for as it's a very free and very easy trip, though we've planned somethin out from the trip. some places to go. i will post some pictures tomorrow bah. i guess this is one trip i enjoyed myself to the max. can't beat any england or states one. haha...
a news came after i arrived home. the occupant of the room next door moved out. cool right? i mean after all i move in there today. in the room now there is still boxes accumulatin there waitin for some maria to pack it. ha.
btw jus gotta my 200 bucks for the GST increase. COOL sia. free money. and i am gonna get new computer soon. muahaha... interestin.
gotta go for now. gonna pack up some stuff.

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