23 August 2007

hunger and stress factor

was very hungry and tired. it's somethin that i've been experiencin for the past week. busy and self inflict stress are undeniable reasons why so. somehow, i'm happy that i am. it shows that i am puttin in effort in the upcomin birthday.
well... KD's birthday is comin. this comin week. so happy and lookin forward to it. lookin forward to the fruit of my stress and effort. it's kinda of one of the most important day i'm lookin forward to other than christmas. i love christmas badly. but i love my KD badly too... so KD's birthday is as important. planned somethin, had somethin in mind, but i've limitation. one of them is money. KD's restricted my spendin and hate mE spendin. i respect KD's decision since it's KD's birthday so i'm gonna spend minimum on celebratin it. but if you ain't gonna put in a amount of money then how're you gonna make it nice and special? hmm... i don't know too. but i know that i've to crack my mind to.
somehow, while makin plans for it, i realise how useless i am... useless mE.

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