04 August 2007

still thinkin.

took a very long walk back to office yesterday with my boss and colleague. she wanted us to walk. it's quite a reluctant walk. at least, i was reluctant and unhappy over it, but i doubt there's nothin i can do. went back office, cleared a bit of work and started with my PSP. played for a while and headed off to swim and returned home after that.
missed KD a lot bah. KD left to redang for scuba divin. sigh. so sad. tomorrow is our sixth month anniversary le. so happy... realised the irony? so sad and so happy. don't know also. ha. was kinda stressed over what to do for anniversary. KD taught mE to save money, not to anyhow spend money, but to mE, anniversary, especially sixth month or a year is kinda special and i wanna celebrate it grandly. grand does it mean spendin a lot of money? to mE, yes, but i won't bah. or i mean tryin not to. wanna apply with KD taught mE, not to spend mE and makin it special. i'm tryin to come up with nice and beautiful plan. breakin my skull and thinkin. i'm still thinkin.

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