01 January 2008


well... 2008 is here and is here to stay for another 365 days that is.
KD and i have successfully progressed into 2008 with a little party at a club. really felt bad that i was drunk shortly after jus the third drink and had caused terrible and horrible experience for my dearest KD and imposed Klein too. well... it's quite a bad start after all even though KD claimed that KD wasn't unhappy, but i sensed some little bit of unhappiness.
anyway, my first resolution is
in order not to get drunk, i will from this very hour onwards, not drink more than a glass of alcohol within 24 hours!
i guess this is the first step to fulfill a satisfied and happy relationship for KD and i. like i promised KD last night, i will never leave KD and will not do anythin bad to KD. on this very light note, this very relationship will last much longer than anyone will expect. ha.
btw, Happy New Year!

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