09 August 2007

i am...

i am tired.
my eyes is weary.
i am sick of work.
my soul is weak.

didn't have good time at work at all. have to manage between subordinates and bosses.
bosses like to hammer you when things don't goes right not even realisin the root.
subordinates likes to complain that you're bad especially when they don't know what are you doin.
to this state, i am too tired to go the extra mile. keep one eye open is not enough, i might as well close both. i am sick of steppin into work and see email keep shootin and arrows keep flyin especially it keep flyin to people who are busy and easy to bully. my soul is now weak at work and don't wish to bother too much, i will jus stick to what i have to do ONLY.

but... i am happy too, coz
i got KD with mE by my side always and i will be on KD's side too.
i got good old time buddy like ryan, gary, darren and patrick who never forget each other.
i got good friends like klein, zihao, alvin, jimmy, sly, jerald and others who kept makin mE miss them.
i got supportive parents to be there always.
lastly, i got my hands, legs, eyes, nose, mouth and brain to drive mE on each and every day.


I Am Jia Jie said...

Hey Jim boi~! Cheer up and Jia You~~!!

OffliNE said...

thanks thanks...
i will!